I think we're about to become best friends . . .

Not just cause I think I’m an enneagram 7 and I love making friends… but because you’ll feel super comfortable in front of my camera… and I’m gonna help you plan out your perfect shoot so you’ll get pics that you’re excited to blast all over the internet!



Let's Chat

Some of the kickawesome brand I’ve worked with

Hey, I’m Heather

and I’m here to help you create kickawesome photos so you can show up feeling confident & legit in your biz

Here’s the deal…

I know you don’t care that I decided to become a photographer after I got dumped on my @$$ or that I have a borderline unhealthy obsession with tv ...(give me all the grays anatomy) 

You want to know what I can do for YOU, right?

You’re here because you’re so freaking good at what you do, but you’re sick and tired of posting crappy photos online that make you look amateur.

You were meant for more and you’re ready to step into that version of yourself that you know is inside. You’re ready to look like a rock star!

You’re ready for something better…

Hey, I know You…

You’ve tried the DIY photoshoot.

You have pics on your website that don’t really work.

You’re ready to have killer brand photos like the ones you’ve been pinning for so stinking long you can taste it.

This is where i come in….

I feel your pain…

I know what it’s like to be the queen of awkward in my photos. I can’t get a natural smile without faking a laugh…and I look like a dork trying to pose. I’ve got an extra chin and squishy parts in the middle from making 4 humans inside of me. I know what it’s like to stress over what to wear… and have no clue how to do my own hair and make up. It’s overwhelming!

That’s why I’m here… help you feel comfortable so you can relax and just be you! But the magic happens long before I shove a giant lens in your face.

On our discovery call…we’ll chat about you and your brand, dig into your brand colors and brand archetype, find out what places you need photos and all that good stuff. You’ll also get a guide that will help walk you through what to wear, how to prep, what props you’ll need to bring and lots of other useful tips… girl, I got you.

I’ll even make a game plan for your shoot day so you can just show up and have fun!


Are you ready to start looking legit ?

You wanna hear my “story” first?

I didn’t always have my crap together…

 I was born on a cold, stormy day in January…

Just kidding. I won’t start that far back.

But… I did start my photography business way back in 2004! I know I know… I’m old. Back then, I shot mostly weddings and portraits, and marketing consisted of an ad in the yellow pages and lots of bridal fairs. In 2015 when I had my 3rd kiddo I was tired of being gone every weekend shooting weddings. I didn’t have a clue how to run a successful business, and marketing moved to social media which was time consuming and overwhelming.

I decided to cut back and take a break from photography. I wanted to just spend some time being a mom (I felt like I missed out on a lot of that stuff with my older boys).  Fast forward a couple years … Right after I pushed out my 4th and last baby… my husband had some pretty serious health issues and couldn’t work for a while. I knew I needed to step up and start my business again. At first I was a little resentful that I had to go back to work. After a little pity party I decided that if I wanted to have the life I dreamed of it was up to me to make that happen. 

Sooo… the past few years I’ve been workin’ on my mental health (getting on my meds was a total game changer for me!) I’ve been shifting my mindset, reading lots of business books and building my brand. I invested in a business coach. Joined a mastermind and did the hard stuff I needed to do… to make my business what I wanted it to be! All while having little people climbing on top of me. 

And now…I get to help YOU make YOUR businesses legit by helping you find your superpowers and creating images you love and feel excited to share. And I totally believe that you can be kickawesome and confident in your brand too!!!  I’m gonna be your freakin cheerleader! Like, for reals.

Some stuff that makes ME kickawesome…

  • I’ve invested thousands of dollars to learn how to grow my business, and personal brand (and I can pass along some tips to you too!)
  • I studied photography in college… been in business for 15+ years and I’ve worked with tons of clients!
  • I get how important social media is… and I can help you create a stockpile of branded images!
  • I love to have fun and I’m pretty good at making people feel comfortable in front of the camera.

Random stuff you probably don't need to know but i'm gonna tell you anyways...

My favorite snacks...


  • Sweet: Chocolate Covered Cinnamon Bears or Peanut butter M&M’s

  • Salty: Chips + Guac or Dot’s Homestyle Pretzels

  • Drinks: Coke Zero w/Coconut + Lime or Diet Dr. Pepper

I'm left handed...

But I learned how to cut with right-handed scissors because there was another leftie in my kindergarten class so instead of waiting to use them… I just learned how to cut with normal scissors.

Favorite music

Ok, this is sorta all over the place… Tom Petty, Paul Simon, Everclear, Guster, 90’s Country, Andy Grammer, Weezer, Beck, Cake, Counting Crows, Imagine Dragons, Coldplay

I love spontaneous road trips...

The more spontaneous the better!!!

Favorite shows to binge

Grey’s Anatomy, The Office, Parks and Rec, Vampire Diaries, This is Us, A Million Little Things, 30 Rock, Community, Schitts Creek, American Housewife, The Good Place, The Unicorn, Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, Arrested Development, Riverdale, Brooklyn 99, How I Met Your Mother

The ocean is my happy place

It’s too bad I live in Utah. Bonus points if you fly me to the ocean for your shoot!

I'm an enneagram 7w6

I’m slightly obsessed with all things enneagram! If you haven’t heard of the enneagram you’re missing out!

Recent books I've "read" on audible

The 5 Second Rule – Mel Robbins

Fierce Free and Full of Fire – Jen Hatmaker

Chillpreneur – Dennise Duffield Thomas

Building a Storybrand – Donald Miller!

Everything is Figureoutable – Marie Forleo

Do Less – Kate Northrup


I'm a california girl

well …I was born in Sacramento… I moved to Utah when I was 8…but I still claim to be a Cali Girl!

I share a birthday with elvis

hey baby…

Come stalk me on
